General Description
- Year
- 2023
- Menzil
- 314
- Color
- Cappadocia
- Kilometer
- 2100
- Version
- V1
- Place
- Yozgat
- Tramar
- No
- Painted Piece
- No
- The Changing Part
- No
- meridian
- No
- Exchange Status
- No
- Heavy Damage Record
- No
I received my Togg V1 Cappadocia short range vehicle last month. It has TOG license plate. It has winter tires with 2.000 km launch package. I also have a 198.000 model unchanged, unpainted, without a tramer, midline plus golf with 2016 km. I have to sell one of the two vehicles due to cash needs. One is my wife's and the other is the vehicle I use. You can send your offers. If the golf is sold. I will remove this ad from publication.